Unlawful Arrests

Wrongful Arrest Lawyers

An unlawful arrest is an incident of arresting, holding, or detaining a person against their will without probable cause. Far too often, police officers will wrongfully arrest civilians in order to intimidate or harass them. This is particularly common at protests, where protestors have faced false and unlawful arrests in retaliation for their protest activity. 

If you have been unlawfully arrested or falsely accused, you may be able to file a civil rights lawsuit against the police department for violating your constitutional rights. Loevy + Loevy’s team of civil rights lawyers have years of experience winning false arrest and police abuse lawsuits in Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Nebraska, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin, and beyond. 

If you have been the victim of a false arrest or accusal, our civil rights attorneys have the experience and skills to help you. 

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To discuss your rights with a seasoned civil rights lawyer, contact us today. We offer free initial consultations.

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