

At Loevy + Loevy, our experienced attorneys have pioneered innovative litigation to protect people that the powerful have taken advantage of through unfair and deceptive practices. We are now turning our sights to the high cost of Humira.

The world of pharmaceuticals is clouded by corporate giants who institute opaque, unfair drug pricing. If you believe you have paid too much for Humira, you may be entitled to compensation.

We represent clients on contingency, meaning that you don’t pay us unless we recover money for you. Please answer a few short questions below to help us determine if we can help you. There is no charge for our review of your answers. One of our attorneys or paralegals will be in touch with you shortly if we think we can help.

Submission Form

Disclaimer: The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship.

Take Action Today

To put our experience on your side, call 312-243-5900, toll-free 888-644-6459 or contact us online.

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